Xavier Jephiah


About Me

Greetings my names Xavier I'm 23 and I'm from New York City.As a Luxury Concierge I’ve participated in multiple world class trainings/events in the hospitality industry.Ensuring I consistently deliver the highest quality of customer service.Which will be the same skill sets I will bring to the work I do for you.I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting some billionaires who had the HIGHEST standards for excellence in service.So I take the way I treat my clients very seriously.

My Work

I write high quality converting sales letters, emails, and Facebook ads.I’ll deliver fast work, on time and will always meet my deadlines, this way you don't have to wait around for work that you need to grow your business.Not only that, but you'll also get regular updates on how the project is going.So that you have peace of mind knowing the progress of the deliverables and worry about “staying on top of me”.I offer a 100% unconditional guarantee on the work I do for you. Either you absolutely love what I deliver to you or you don’t pay me a dime.I’m available 24/7 if you’d like to chat further.Cheers!

Contact Me

Your inquiries and feedback are valuable to me.Please feel free to contact me through one of the following channels.

Thank You

I will get back to you as soon as I can.